Friday, February 27, 2015

What's the Point?

Ah, the first blog post...

Why do I want a blog? Funny how this is starting...   It is just for me.  I need a place to write my thoughts and feelings as I read, study, ponder, and learn.

You see, I want to home school my kids. That's kind of a big deal since I myself was not exactly home schooled. I received some great mentoring at home, but my school years were very traditional. Public schooled then on to college, I was 100% on the conveyor belt, stepping off a finished product with a BM degree Magna Cum Lauda from BYU. I was plenty "successful" in school. Good at testing, good at jumping through the hoops, and good at making the grade. Great at earning and keeping scholarships, great at writing what the teacher wanted to read and seeing what the teacher wanted me to see in each book. Turns out being good at school is different from being good at learning, though.  I want something different for myself and my kids. Time to start over...

And here is one of my sources of inspiration. I happen to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (I'm a Mormon) and in one of our cannons of scripture, The Doctrine and Covenants, it reads in Section 88 verse 118,

 "And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith." 

I love this!  Here's the goodness:

I lack faith in
  • my current education
  • my ability to mentor my children to earn their own education 
  • general... I seem to be needing to acquire more faith daily as I find more reasons to exercise faith. In the atonement, in my Savior... isn't that what life is about though? Trials to learn by. 
So let's do something some about it... Let's get an education!  

I'm going to diligently seek learning every day, seeking words of wisdom out of the best books, and applying study and faith together to discover what I need to fulfill my life mission of leadership and excellence and help teach and inspire my children to achieve the same.

I want a leadership education for myself and my children.  You can't pass on what you don't have, so this blog is going record my journey to gain it. You can check out to find out all the details of what I mean by a "Leadership Education."  Great site... life-changing educational philosophy... seriously, check it out. 

Future posts will include my musings on books, responses to prompts from a "Mentoring in the Classics" course I'm enrolled in, and my daily discoveries as I learn and grow with my kids as they go through core phase and beyond in their learning. 

Here goes something important, I hope. 

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